Close to My Heart conventions are the most fun and exhausting time you can ever have. For three straight days they fill us consultants with terrific information, great BRAND new products and business classes that help you every step of the way in your business. Now the BEST thing of all isn't all the new products, great information or even the business classes but being able to travel with the greatest bunch of CRAZY and FUN sister consultants in the world!!!! We had such a great time that I think I should have taken an extra week off just to recuperate!
Here's our plane we flew Air Tran and it was pretty nice, no frills but we brought our own frills with us so that was OK.

Here is Val and myself remember that we had to be at the airport at o'dark 30, which is actually 4:00 am and our flight left at 6:00 am. Who slept the night before? Not me so we are in rare form on this flight!!!

Here is Sheri, Tammy and Rachel my other CTMH sisters that went along on this crazy ride!

What a view from the airplane huh? I LOVE to travel and it never ceases to amaze me that an airplane that weighs so much can fly and get me to where I am going in just a couple of hours.

Here's the hotel that we stayed at, the Gaylord National and boy was it BIG and beautiful. Every thing about this place was grand and CTMH does not skimp on anything only the best for us.

This is what the atrium inside our hotel looked like. Beyond the flag was a view of the Potomac River. Actually the hotel was right on the river and boy it sure was beautiful!

This is the view from our hotel room that overlooked the atrium and a view of the river. The photo does not do this justice and you can not believe how big this atrium was.

Ah and here I am, of course we had to check out the hotel sports bar for drinks and lunch since it was just the right thing to do!!!

I hope you will check back and see what we all saw and did. I promise you, you will want to visit Washington, DC after you see all the great things that we saw and if it doesn't make you want to go there, it just might make you want to become a CTMH consultant so that you can travel with us and have all the fun we had! I would LOVE to have you join my team and do all the fun things us sisters do.
Have a great night and check back soon!
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