This cemetery is amazing from every way you look there are acres and acres of white markers, marking the passing of a solider that fought for our freedom.
This is the tomb of the unknown soldier. It is very emotional to see this and I don't think that there was a dry eye in the group. There is no talking as it is a memorial site and there is a guard that guards this tomb 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 354 days a year. We got there 5 minutes before the changing of the guard so we got to see that .
This guard takes 21 steps from side to side and stands for 21 seconds and so on. Each guard does this for 21 minutes at a time. This signifies the 21 gun salute.
This is a photo of the Sargent and the replacement guard as they are coming out to change. These soldiers live in the cemetery and is an honor for each one of them to guard the tomb.
Next stop the Marine Memorial and the Marine drum and bugle corp. Don't miss it come back tomorrow and check it out!
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