Hi there,
Well another year is coming to an end and many of the great products we carry must be retired to make room for new and better items. Don't miss out, click here to check view the list and see what is going away! You can order directly from me at lrhart2002@yahoo.com or you can go to my website here to order and have it shipped directly to you!
Don't delay and order your stuff today! All items are while supplies last and they won't last long!
Have a great weekend and do some stamping and scrapbooking!

About Me

- Lynn Hart
- Shakopee, MN, United States
- Independent Consultant for Close to My Heart
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
China Town
As we were walking around we came across a Baptist Church with this sign that just happened to fit two of my CTMH sista's to a tee so we just had to get their pictures by it!!
This is Sheri and Tammy and they are a bunch of Holy Trouble Makers!!
Just up the street from that church was China town. What a colorful area, so vibrant and TONS of people there.

We found a restaurant where there was a man making noodles so of course we had to stop and watch and he made making noodles look as easy as tieing your shoes!!!

As we were walking away from China Town we found these great Chinese zodiac signs in the sidewalk. This is my sign, the rabbit! How cool is that?
Well if you can believe it or not, there is still more of my trip to show you so stop back again!
Just up the street from that church was China town. What a colorful area, so vibrant and TONS of people there.
As we were walking away from China Town we found these great Chinese zodiac signs in the sidewalk. This is my sign, the rabbit! How cool is that?
Well if you can believe it or not, there is still more of my trip to show you so stop back again!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Holocaust Musuem and the Old Post Office
We went to the Holocaust Museum and let me tell you I do not think there was a dry eye in that museum. It was a real eye opener to see how this all started and what really happened to those people. It was very moving. We couldn't take any photos in the museum but I got a photo of the outside.
My Friend Rachel told me to take a picture of the saying on the wall and she told me it would make a lot more sense once we go through the museum and she was right.
I hope you can read this.
Our next stop was to see the Old Post Office. It was the very first post office and it was amazing! Just look at the size of this building! I really thought it was a castle that should be out on a million acres of land!

This is a view from the front of the building.

Here we all are waiting to go up into the tower.

Here are the views from up in the tower, it was AMAZING how far you could see!

Are the views spectacular? I am still in awe over all of this and sure am glad that I got the opportunity to be able to see such great sites! If you ever get to go, don't think twice and go, it is really an amazing territory!!
Keep checking in there is more to come!
My Friend Rachel told me to take a picture of the saying on the wall and she told me it would make a lot more sense once we go through the museum and she was right.
Our next stop was to see the Old Post Office. It was the very first post office and it was amazing! Just look at the size of this building! I really thought it was a castle that should be out on a million acres of land!
This is a view from the front of the building.
Here we all are waiting to go up into the tower.
Here are the views from up in the tower, it was AMAZING how far you could see!
Keep checking in there is more to come!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Convention Starts!
Convention is the biggest event in the CTMH year and it is spectacular! I LOVE all the excitement, seeing and meeting people that I talk to on line and most of all the great new ideas, product and business information they give out! I am truly blessed to be a part of such a great company!
Picture this was our theme this year for convention and it means just that. Picture what you want and you can achieve anything!
This is Jeanette Lynton, the CEO and Founder of Close to My Heart and she is the sweetest, nicest lady you could ever meet. I met her years ago at my first convention and she made me feel like I was special not just another consultant. I will never forget that.
Here we all are at General Session! We are all pumped and excited to be there!
There is so much I want to tell you about all the great new products but you will just have to wait! Everything will be unveiled in time so keep checking back!
This is Jeanette Lynton, the CEO and Founder of Close to My Heart and she is the sweetest, nicest lady you could ever meet. I met her years ago at my first convention and she made me feel like I was special not just another consultant. I will never forget that.
There is so much I want to tell you about all the great new products but you will just have to wait! Everything will be unveiled in time so keep checking back!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Touring the monuments at night
Our first stop on the monuments at night tour was the Jefferson memorial. You are just in awe when you visit these sites as they are all made with marble and to think that way back when they were first made they didn't have stone cutting saws every thing was done by hands and mostly by slaves.
The next stop was the Washington Memorial.
Across the mall was the Lincoln Memorial. This was truly a site to behold. You can not imagine just how big the statue of Lincoln was, it was HUGE!
We were off to the Koren War Memorial and this was rather disturbing. It was dark so it was a little hard to see but they have a wall erected and etched in the wall are the faces of soldiers.
The memorial also has a plot of land with statues of soldiers as if they were walking on patrol. No matter where you are one of the soldiers is always looking at you! It was very moving to see this and kinda creepy at night too. It made you feel as if you were on patrol with them.
Then we walked over to the Vietnam Memorial. Here are three soldiers from that war.
After you look at this then you go to see the wall. The wall is about a half a block long and etched onto this was is the names of every soldier that perished in this war. It was hard to see at night but it was very moving. People come and leave trinkets, notes, flowers as memorials and we were told that all of that is saved and never thrown away.
Our final stop on this tour was the White House. I don't think that our tour would have been complete unless we got to see this historic house!
And of course the famous address! You know we just had to have a photo of that! I almost missed the bus taking this as it was way at the end of the block and I was running in flip flops! It sure was a site too bad they didn't take a video of that I could have won in America's Funniest Home Videos!!!
I hope you are enjoying my trip and check back for more of it!
The next stop was the Washington Memorial.
Across the mall was the Lincoln Memorial. This was truly a site to behold. You can not imagine just how big the statue of Lincoln was, it was HUGE!
I hope you are enjoying my trip and check back for more of it!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Mt. Vernon
Convention came early for some of our CTMH consultants and they started one day early but for Val and I it meant another day of fun in the hot sun! We took a water taxi and spent the day at Mt. Vernon. This is a picture of the water taxi that we took. The top was an open air deck and the bottom was enclosed and air conditioned and that sure did come in handy after walking around Mt. Vernon with temperatures of 106 degrees and very humid!
This is the tomb of President Washington where he and his entire family is buried. This is the new tomb according to history he specified in his will that sometime after his death they would erect this tomb for him and his family to be moved to.
This Mt. Vernon and boy was it spectacular to see. George Washington was a pioneer in many things and one was farming but if you ever get to visit Mt. Vernon pay close attention to the wall of the mansion. He was ahead of his time in the fact that he made wood look like stone!
The outside of the mansion is made of wood that looks like large bricks. The wood was beveled to look like brick and then painted and then they threw sand on the wet paint and then painted over the sand. You can not tell that it is not brick until you touch it, by the way, you are not allowed to touch it! Truly amazing!
This is a photo of the back of the mansion and it overlooks the Potomac River.
Watch for more of our fun trip!
Watch for more of our fun trip!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Arlington National Cemetery
Our First stop in DC was to visit Arlington National Cemetery. Wow it sure is amazing what you probably learned while you were in school but either didn't pay much attention or at that point in time just didn't care about it. Now that I have seen many of these sights it truly is interesting and I sure wish that I would have paid more attention while I was in school!
This cemetery is amazing from every way you look there are acres and acres of white markers, marking the passing of a solider that fought for our freedom.
Here is a photo of the Kennedy's grave site with the eternal flame that was lite by President Kennedy's wife when he was buried. On each side of the graves are the two children that died in infancy.

This is the tomb of the unknown soldier. It is very emotional to see this and I don't think that there was a dry eye in the group. There is no talking as it is a memorial site and there is a guard that guards this tomb 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 354 days a year. We got there 5 minutes before the changing of the guard so we got to see that .
This guard takes 21 steps from side to side and stands for 21 seconds and so on. Each guard does this for 21 minutes at a time. This signifies the 21 gun salute.
This is a photo of the Sargent and the replacement guard as they are coming out to change. These soldiers live in the cemetery and is an honor for each one of them to guard the tomb.
If you ever get the change to go there make sure you see the changing of the guard, I couldn't get all the photos of the ceremony but it sure was worth the wait.
Next stop the Marine Memorial and the Marine drum and bugle corp. Don't miss it come back tomorrow and check it out!
This cemetery is amazing from every way you look there are acres and acres of white markers, marking the passing of a solider that fought for our freedom.
This is the tomb of the unknown soldier. It is very emotional to see this and I don't think that there was a dry eye in the group. There is no talking as it is a memorial site and there is a guard that guards this tomb 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 354 days a year. We got there 5 minutes before the changing of the guard so we got to see that .
This guard takes 21 steps from side to side and stands for 21 seconds and so on. Each guard does this for 21 minutes at a time. This signifies the 21 gun salute.
This is a photo of the Sargent and the replacement guard as they are coming out to change. These soldiers live in the cemetery and is an honor for each one of them to guard the tomb.
Next stop the Marine Memorial and the Marine drum and bugle corp. Don't miss it come back tomorrow and check it out!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Washington DC here we come!
Close to My Heart conventions are the most fun and exhausting time you can ever have. For three straight days they fill us consultants with terrific information, great BRAND new products and business classes that help you every step of the way in your business. Now the BEST thing of all isn't all the new products, great information or even the business classes but being able to travel with the greatest bunch of CRAZY and FUN sister consultants in the world!!!! We had such a great time that I think I should have taken an extra week off just to recuperate!
Here's our plane we flew Air Tran and it was pretty nice, no frills but we brought our own frills with us so that was OK.
Here is Val and myself remember that we had to be at the airport at o'dark 30, which is actually 4:00 am and our flight left at 6:00 am. Who slept the night before? Not me so we are in rare form on this flight!!!
Here is Sheri, Tammy and Rachel my other CTMH sisters that went along on this crazy ride!
What a view from the airplane huh? I LOVE to travel and it never ceases to amaze me that an airplane that weighs so much can fly and get me to where I am going in just a couple of hours.
Here's the hotel that we stayed at, the Gaylord National and boy was it BIG and beautiful. Every thing about this place was grand and CTMH does not skimp on anything only the best for us.
This is what the atrium inside our hotel looked like. Beyond the flag was a view of the Potomac River. Actually the hotel was right on the river and boy it sure was beautiful!

This is the view from our hotel room that overlooked the atrium and a view of the river. The photo does not do this justice and you can not believe how big this atrium was.
Ah and here I am, of course we had to check out the hotel sports bar for drinks and lunch since it was just the right thing to do!!!

I hope you will check back and see what we all saw and did. I promise you, you will want to visit Washington, DC after you see all the great things that we saw and if it doesn't make you want to go there, it just might make you want to become a CTMH consultant so that you can travel with us and have all the fun we had! I would LOVE to have you join my team and do all the fun things us sisters do.
Have a great night and check back soon!
Here's our plane we flew Air Tran and it was pretty nice, no frills but we brought our own frills with us so that was OK.
Here is Val and myself remember that we had to be at the airport at o'dark 30, which is actually 4:00 am and our flight left at 6:00 am. Who slept the night before? Not me so we are in rare form on this flight!!!
Here is Sheri, Tammy and Rachel my other CTMH sisters that went along on this crazy ride!
This is the view from our hotel room that overlooked the atrium and a view of the river. The photo does not do this justice and you can not believe how big this atrium was.
I hope you will check back and see what we all saw and did. I promise you, you will want to visit Washington, DC after you see all the great things that we saw and if it doesn't make you want to go there, it just might make you want to become a CTMH consultant so that you can travel with us and have all the fun we had! I would LOVE to have you join my team and do all the fun things us sisters do.
Have a great night and check back soon!
I am back and a brand new Stamp of the Month
I am back!!! Wow what a fantastic time I had in Washington, DC with all my Close to my Heart friends at convention!! It has been a whirl wind week and I really think that I need a week vacation to recover from my vacation!!!
I bought a new camera to take with me when I went and I am still trying to figure out just how to download my photos so keep checking in and soon I will have photos for you from my trip!
July brings us the cutest stamp of the month and this can be yours at a discount or absolutely FREE! Aren't these the cutest things ever? This is a must have stamp set in my book but then again I am all about the "Cutesy" stamps.
If you want to check these out they are on the very last page of the current catalog and so is the breakdown for the pricing. If you don't have a current catalog call me at 952-913-6480 or e-mail me at lrhart2002@yahoo.com and I would be happy to get one to you!
Have a great day and stay tuned for photos!
I bought a new camera to take with me when I went and I am still trying to figure out just how to download my photos so keep checking in and soon I will have photos for you from my trip!
July brings us the cutest stamp of the month and this can be yours at a discount or absolutely FREE! Aren't these the cutest things ever? This is a must have stamp set in my book but then again I am all about the "Cutesy" stamps.

Have a great day and stay tuned for photos!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
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