
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Blizzard 2010!

Have you been dreaming of a white Christmas? If you have those of us who live in southern Minnesota we have what you want, so come and get it!

Wow I think this is the blizzard of the century!! It has finally stopped snowing but now comes the wind and the cold!

I LOVE it when this happens and I don't have to go any where! Yesterday my job told me not to come in as they were not expecting a whole lot of customers so I said "No problem, see ya all on Monday!" Thank goodness they told me that as this next photo is Davids attempt to go to work, NOT. Ha ha ha he backed out of the garage and there he sat, couldn't go forward, couldn't go backwards. He was very thankful that I was home because I got him unstuck and back into the garage.

Here's a look at our neighbor's house and just how big the snow drifts were getting. This was around 12:00 noon and the drifts were already half way up their garage.

Here's Dave showing how much snow there was in our driveway

This is looking out my patio window, kinda cool looking but now the snow
is about half way up the window!
Well now it's 10 pm and our home owners association was finally able to
get out here and start plowing us out. This is kinda hard to see but that is
Dave standing next to the pile of snow that they moved from our front door area!
They almost buried our tree in the front yard! Oh yeah, I just watched the news on
channel 11 and they said the total snowfall for Shakopee was 21.5 inches
of snow! HOLY COW that's a lot of snow!
I hope you are all snuggled warm in your beds and if you are in the path of this great storm LOOK OUT and think about what it would be like to move to Florida! LOL Guess what Dave and I are doing tomorrow, pulling out the good old atlas and looking for a southern exposure for next year!!


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